Sun Loving Perennials

Here is a list of some sun loving perennials that you might enjoy adding into your garden. I have used their common name, as most people and nurseries will use common names to identify plants. Most of these plants do well in all soil types. There are a few that prefer slightly more acidic soils, and some that prefer more alkaline soils. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that some plants even prefer poor soil conditions! My goal with this list is to show you that there is a perennial for every type of soil. It should come as a relief to you that not every garden bed needs to be amended with compost and extra top soil before it can be planted into. This is one of the reasons why so many people love perennials. They really are low fuss, hardy and very adaptable; making your life easier and giving you the satisfaction of enjoying your garden rather than fussing over it constantly. Enjoy!

New York Aster

Zone 3

H: 18" - 36" x W: 18"

Sun / Partial Shade 

New York Asters are a tall, sturdy variety. Comes in many different colors - purple, red, pink, white. Blooms late summer to frost. Looks best in middle to back of border. Adds great color to the garden when other flowers have died back.

Common Baby's Breath

Zone 3

H: 24" - 36" x W: 36"

Full Sun

Blooms profusely all summer. Great for dried arrangements or fresh bouquets. Lacey stems with frothy white flowers look great in mixed flower beds. Plant in middle of bed to back of border. Choose carefully where to plant. Baby's breath has long tap root and may die if you attempt to move or divide plant. Prefers alkaline soils.


Zone 3

H: 36" - 48" x W: 24" - 36"

Full sun / Light Shade

Showy, brightly colored flowers in red, pink, purple, white. Lemony, mint scent. Attractive to bees, hummingbirds and pollinators. Best in rich, moist soil.Deer proof perennial. Leaves can be used in teas. Great in cottage style gardens, near middle or back of border or along pathways.

Black - eyed Susan

Zone 3

H: 18" - 30" x W: 24"

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Bright yellow petals with dark brown centres. Blooms all summer into fall. Looks best in mass plantings combined with blue flowering perennials such as sage or white Shasta daisies. Grows well in poor soil and is drought tolerant. Deer proof. 

Blue Fescue

Zone 3

H: 12" - 18" x W: 15" - 18"

Full Sun / Light Shade

Tidy, clump - forming ornamental grass. Best used front of border, in rock gardens or as acent plants. Wiry, silver blue foliage with tan colored flowerheads on stems in summer. Drought tolerant; grows well in hot, dry, windy conditions. Non - invasive.

Campion - Maltese Cross

Zone 3

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Beautiful, bright, orange / red vivid flowers on tall, sturdy stems with tapered leaves. These flowers attract a variety of pollinators and hummingbirds.Blooms throughout summer. Looks great next to Delphiniums in cottage style gardens. Grows well in most soil types.


Zone 3

H: 4" - 6" x W: 18" - 24"

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Low Growing perennial with mass of pure white flowers completely covering narrow leaves in spring. Great for rock gardens, slopes, edging and front of borders.Evergreen perennial - do not cut back foliage.


Zone 3

H: 12" x W: 12" - 15"

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Small spikes of blue or white flowers on grey - green arching stems with heart shaped, fuzzy leaves. Amazing minty scent. Attracts pollinators. Blooms all summer. Great for slopes, rock gardens and hot dry areas. grows well in both acidic and alkaline soils.


Zone 3

H: 24" - 36" x W 24" - 36"

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Feathery, blue or white flowers on top of sturdy, full foliage. Rounded, shrub - like form. Beautiful for informal country gardens or cottage style gardens. Very hardy, drought resistant and tolerates most soil types. Resistant to pests and disease.

Cranesbill Geranium

Zone 3

H: 24" - 36" x W: 18" - 30"

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Blooms most of summer in red, pink, lavender or white. A large bushy plant with wide, heart shaped leaves and striking dark pink or red blossoms with central black centre. Good as ground cover, on slopes and in dry hot conditions. Fairly drought tolerant, grows in nooks and crannies with very little soil. resistant to disease and insects.


Zone 3

H: 10" - 48" x W: 24" - 36"

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Blooms in summer. Dense, broad clumps of bright green, strappy leaves. Flowers in a variety of sizes, colors and forms. Black, purple, mahogany, red, orange, yellow, pink, cream. Tough, hardy perennial. Adapts easily to a variety of soil conditions. Does well in both part shade or hot dry areas. Drought tolerant, pest free, deer proof.


Zone 3

H: 3 - 9 ft. x W: 3 - 4ft.

Full Sun

Tall, sturdy, wand - like stems covered in florets bunched together. Flowers in late spring to mid - summer in light blue, dark blue, lavender, purple, pink and white. Grows well in most soil types. Keep evenly moist. Looks amazing in cottage gardens. Attracts bees, humming birds and butterflies.


Zone 3

H: 3 -6 ft. x 3 ft.

Full Sun / Light Shade

Tall sturdy stalks with graceful, slender flower clusters forming a spike at top of plant.Purple, rust, pink, rose, yellow, bronze, pearly grey and white blooms. Best in English, cottage and woodland gardens. Against wall or fence and back of border. Division not required since plants are biennial and re -seed. Like moist, but not boggy soil. Deer resistant. Blooms early to mid - summer.

Globe Thistle

Zone 3

H:36" - 48" x W: 18" - 24"

Full Sun

An amazing, stately plant. Blooms throughout summer with abundance of steel blue, thistle - like globes that change into starry spheres. Great for fresh and dry arrangements. A sturdy, upright, long lived plant that thrives in hot, dry, poor quality soil. Rarely troubled by pests. Do not divide as they have a long tap root. Dividing could kill the plant.

Hens and Chicks

Zone 3

H: 1" - 3" (without flowers) x W: 2" - 36"

Full Sun

Large central rosette, (Hen) surrounded by smaller rosettes (Chicks). Plant continually self perpetuates as young 'chicks' take over when the mother 'Hen' dies out. Over 100 species to choose from. Loves hot, dry, sunny locations. Rock gardens, edging, borders, walls. Easy to divide and transplant any time during season by snapping off a chick and pressing it into soil. colors look most vivid when starved for nutrients. Grow in very little soil. grows best in poor,alkaline soil.


Zone 3

H: 4 - 7 ft. x W: 3 - 4 ft.

Full Sun

An old fashioned perennial. Tall wands of large, frilly, carnation like flowers on thick stems with wide leaves. They self seed if  you allow seeds to fall to ground. Attract hummingbirds to the garden. Come in variety of colours such as, black, red, lavender, yellow, white, salmon, rose and pink. Great for romantic english or cottage gardens. Best alongside walls, against a fence or back of border away from windy locations.


Zone 3

H: 15" - 36" x W: 24"

Sun / Part Shade

One of my personal favorites. Long, stiff stems packed with flowers all the way to the wand - like tip. Interesting palm - like leaves help plant look neat and attractive even after flower stems are removed. Great in mass plantings. perfect for woodland and cottage or English style gardens. comes in blue, purple, pink, yellow and white. Deer proof and self sow easily. Do not divide as it has a long tap root.

Moor Grass

Zone 3

H: 18" - 24" x W: 18" - 24"

Sun / Part Shade

Great ornamental grass. Compact clumping pale green leaves striped with pale yellow. Cream yellow stems with pale purple flower spikes. Looks great with other shrubs, evergreens, lilies and in rose gardens. Almost maintenance free and does well in poor soil once established. Looks great in flower arrangements. Seed heads can be left on during winter season to provide interest and food for wildlife.

Giant Ornamental Onion

Zone 3

H: 48" x W: 12" - 18"

Full Sun

A striking addition to the perennial garden. Large, round balls of tiny purple flowers atop stiff, leafless stalks. Flower balls can be 5 - 6" across. Blooms in early summer. They tower over other plants, so look best in middle to back of border but also create an interesting display interspersed between other perennials. Plant in groups rather than singly. Grow next to roses to repel aphids.

Painted Daisy

Zone 3

H: 18" - 24" x W: 12" - 18"

Sun / Part Shade

Bright, 3" flowers in red, pink, rose, or white, with bright yellow centres on tall, slender stems with ferny dark green foliage. A charming, picture perfect flower. Looks great with other summer flowers, like poppy or day lilies and yarrow.


Zone 3

H: 30" - 48" x W: 15" - 24"

Sun / Part Shade

Showy, Hardy and long lived perennial.Bloom between late spring and early summer. Gorgeous fluffy, flowers in red, pink, white and cream that smell amazing! Stems are tall, sometimes arching, with dark green, glossy leaves. Plant remains an attractive shrub once blooms are done and cut back. Does well in most soil types. Lives 20 years or more. 

Although this is not an extensive list of sun - loving perennials, it should give you a good idea of where to start in your own garden. Going to a garden centre, especially if it's your first time can be daunting and confusing for a new gardener. Now that you have a list of a few plants with names, climate zones and a brief description, you can hopefully go in feeling a bit more confident, knowing what you want and being able to ask the right questions. Take the time to evaluate your planting space before you buy anything. How much sun do you have? Is it sheltered or exposed to certain elements like wind or harsh, all day sun? How is your soil? Is it sandy or does it feel like heavy clay when you hold it in your hand? Is there a lot of moisture in it or is it dry and hard as rock? Will you ammend it with compost before you get started or will you try to choose plants that thrive in that soil type? Will you dig up a whole flower bed or will you try the no - dig gardening approach? There are many ways to approach a garden. Find what works for you and learn through trial and error. Mistakes and failure are lifes' best teachers. Just don't be intimidated or afraid to start. This is your perennial journey; this is your great adventure, so just get started and have fun! Happy gardening!